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Technical assistance

Washing and care

We recommend washing the rims regularly to remove the dust from the pads that settles on them, compromising the brilliance of the color itself.

NON never wash the rims when overheated by the braking system, this could lead to the emergence of small cracks on the paint caused by too sudden a change in temperature.

NON use brushes with stiff plastic bristles, they could scratch the surface, use dedicated brushes with microfiber at the end.

Use neutral ph detergents to avoid variations in color tone with the use of very aggressive detergents.

We recommend applying a nanotechnological coating to the entire surface of the rim in order to keep dirt in suspension and to simplify washing operations.

Fast shipping

Delivery in 24-48 hours.

Secure packaging

The guarantee of receiving the rims without damage.

Support 24/7

Assistant always at your disposal.